Sunday, January 3, 2021

Wonder Woman 1984 party jenkins

 Wonder Woman 1984 (Dec. 25)

Warner Bros held out until March 24 before announcing that Wonder Woman 2 would be delayed, but as with most other blockbusters postponed it was clear the DC comics sequel would have to move from its planned June release date. Where many big movies moved much later in the year or were taken off the slate entirely, Wonder Woman 1984 originally committed to hitting theaters on Aug. 14 -- which proved optimistic, and in mid-June was shifted to October and then to the holidays instead.

Steve Back in Wonder Woman 1984, According to the novel, he is resurrected using the Dreamstone which comes in the form of a citrine ring. The artifact makes its way to the Smithsonian where Diana and Barbara Ann Minerva/Cheetah (Kristen Wiig) work. The Dreamstone is imbued with magical powers like the Lasso of Truth and can supposedly grant one wish.

Gal Gadot will finally be returning as Diana Prince, aka Wonder Woman, in Patty Jenkins' Wonder Woman 1984 just one week after Death on the Nile lands in theaters. In the followup to the 2017 origin story of DC Comics most fearsome female superhero, Gadot will be playing a version of the Amazonian warrior princess in the middle of the 1980s as she takes on Kristen Wiig's Cheetah and Pedro Pascal's Maxwell Lord, in a fight to save humanity. But she won't be alone because Chris Pine's Steve Trevor, the American spy and pilot from the first go around will be returning to even things up a bit. But going off the badass set of golden armor that Wonder Woman dons in the trailer, it looks like she'll be able to handler her own just fine.

Modern Age Wonder Woman had no specifically called-out weaknesses. About the closest she's come is that her super-human stamina and resistance to injury does not seem to apply to piercing weapons, like arrows or daggers; her enhanced healing does not work against such injuries.

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