Sunday, May 30, 2010

prince of persia

For the computer games addict, "Price of Persia" are not new. "Game console" it was produced by Ubisof beaming, companies' software games "reputable computer.

Since its release the first time, "Prince of Persia" always gets overwhelming response. And every year, always waiting for games addicts latest release "Prince of Persia". In short "Prince of Persia" has become a legend for games addicts.

Now, the "Prince of Persia", "ascending the stage" widescreen display. And the story "hour glass" is packaged in a movie theater, with an equivalent expected kesusesan gamesnya version.

"Prince of Persia" begins with an attack by Persian forces into the holy land of Alamut, who led a princess named Tamina (Gemma Arterton) is very beautiful.

Assault by the Persian army carried out by three people namely Tus prince (Richard Coyle), Garsiv (Toby Kebbell), and Dastan (Jake Gyllenhaal).

Tus and a child of the king Garsiv Sharaman, while the Dastan is a foster child who was discovered by the king on the street and managed to attract the hearts of the number one in Persia for his courage.

Because large on the streets, behavior urakan Dastan more than his two brothers, but he's very big responsibility to preserve the honor of his kingdom.

Although only the foster child, very loving Dastan Persian empire and his family.

Alamut invasion carried out by Dastan brothers since heard from his uncle or brother of the king Sharaman, named Nizam (Sir Ben Kingsley) that the holy land that helped supply weapons to the enemies of Persia.

Finally, in a short time, Alamut successfully conquered by the Persian army which was famous for always victorious in war and prince Dastan find a special dagger.

King Sharaman who heard her three children to attack the kingdom of Alamut was furious, he is principally intended to protect the holy land.

However, since hearing the various considerations of the three sons and his brother Nizam about the reasons for the invasion of Alamut, the king relented though still disappointed.

In a victory celebration party Persia, Dastan upon the recommendation of Tus and Nizam gave the king's holy robes imported from Alamut.

In fact, these robes have also been prepared by Tus and Nizam, so Dastan just give it to the king.

Who would have guessed, these robes contain toxins, so the new king while wearing oversized gift from the Dastan was killed instantly.

That causes the Dastan hunted down and threatened to death, because it is killing the king. Dastan who feel guilty for receiving from the Tus robes and Nizam escape.

In his escape, accompanied Tamina Dastan, because without the knowledge of the Dastan beautiful daughter wants to recapture the special dagger found Dastan.

Over the next few days to escape, and tries to uncover the truth, Dastan find the fact that it turns out, the uncle, Nizam is the person most responsible for all incidents.

Nizam make up all matter, because he wanted to capture the special dagger found Dastan in the holy land of Alamut.

It turns out the dagger has the power to open the container of sand of time, which can restore the sand of time into the past.

Finally, and Tamia Dastan involved in the war and the lure of adventure to save the dagger and keep it out of the hands of irresponsible people.

In the country there is trust, if a dagger Alamut fell into the hands of evil people, a period of time can be reversed at will and the gods in the sky so that the bias will cause the wrath of the great disasters of human mengamcam.

Overall, the movie storyline plots Mike Newell was incredibly attractive and makes people who watch it become curious at the end of the story.

Martial arts action and war films you'll enjoy the nuances in the Middle East is also quite impressive.

Jake Gyllenhaal who played in the movie The Day After Tomorrow also managed to portray his character as Prince Dastan well.

Stunning appearance and handsome features of his face could make the audience waha "home" took a long stare at the screen.

Gemma Arterton also managed to balance the role of Jake Gyllenhaal with good passing ability which has been previously tested his acting through the film Quantum of Solace and the Clash of the Titans.

Facial beauty Gemma mentioned would be candidates for replacement Megan Fox in Transformers 3 also make it look right for the role of princess Tamina.

The film also has special effects and visuals are pretty good so it is quite suitable as a family on the holiday spectacle.

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